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我公司对鑽孔內岩层傾角的测量,一直是採用傾斜仪直接靠紧岩心,量得层面与岩心中軸线交角,而后加以換算,再上图。这种方法,不仅繁杂費工,而且不能解決岩层的傾向及走向,所以对于岩层或矿层倒轉的情況,往往錯誤的解釋为傾角变陡,或层次增多。这种現象,尤其在构造复杂,傾角变化无常的情況下,非常容易产生。在本溪歪头山地区的鑽孔中,我們就遇到了很多这样的問題,交角虽然量得,但是在上剖面图时,不知是向左傾还是向右傾,如图1所示。如果测得傾角及倾向,填图之后,是正确的实綫情況,如仅測倾角測不出傾向,就有很大可能錯誤的理解为虚线的情況了。 Our company measured the inclination of rock strata in the borehole. It has been using the inclinometer directly against the core, measuring the angle of intersection between the plane and the central axis of the core, and then converting, and then on the map. This method is not only complicated and troublesome, but also can not solve the tendency and direction of rock formation. Therefore, for the inversion of rock or ore layer, it is often wrongly explained that the angle of dip is steep or the level is increased. This phenomenon is very easy to produce, especially in complicated structures and unstable dip. We encountered a lot of such problems in the drilling of Benjiao Mountain in Benxi. Although the angle was measured, we could not know whether to lean to the left or to the right when looking at the topography, as shown in Figure 1. If the inclination and inclination are measured, it is the correct solid line after the mapping. If only the inclination can not be measured, it is highly likely to be wrongly interpreted as a dashed line.
702队卡兰古分队所屬之外圍檢查組在喀什西南部一带发現了如下的鋁土矿: 1.石炭紀的鋁土矿:矿石为緻密块状,生于石灰岩中,呈灰白,淺黄,黄綠,紅,白,黑等各种颜色,並夾杂有粘
为了研究用压缩空气钻进探水钻孔的工艺过程,在作者领导下曾在中亚地区钻过两个钻孔,一个是纯实验性的,另一个是用于工人住宅区的供水。供水用的钻孔地质断面情况列于表1。 In
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