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在不少发达国家,政府是不直接管理私立学校的,这类学校的经费和设施状况往往不如公立学校,其教师的工资收入往往也低于公立学校。然而,私立学校不仅生存和发展下来,而且其教学教育质量和管理水平往往高于公立学校。这是为什么?大多数西方专家认为,除了社会对私立学校的旺盛需求及其灵活有效的内部管理制度外,建立和实施私立学校的评估认证制度也是重要的原因。 所谓认证制,就是通过得到社会、学校和政府认可的社会中介组织,制定出相应的标准,并且对学校特别是对私立学校进行评估认证的一种制度。这是一种自评与他评相结合而以自评为主、动态评估与静态评估相结合而以动态评估为主的对学校的评估认证制度。实践表明,认证制是提高学校教育教学质量和管理水平的有效制度,目前不仅在发达国家而且在不少发展中国家也已推广发展起来。 中国民办学校教育已经经历了十几年的恢复和初步发展。当前,大力提高教育教学质量和管理水平已经成为民办学校生存和持续发展的关键之一。无疑,借鉴他国经验,开展民办学校的评估认证是达至上述目标的值得尝试的途径。 鉴于此,北京师范大学民办教育研究与服务中心和全国高级中学校长委员会合作,参照他国经验和结合我国国情,制定了一套民办学校教育评估认证的标准,并应深圳石岩公 In many developed countries, the government does not directly manage private schools. The funding and facilities of such schools are often not as good as those of public schools. Teachers’ salaries often fall below those of public schools. However, private schools not only survive and develop, but also their teaching and learning quality and management level are often higher than public schools. Why? Most Western experts believe that in addition to the strong social demand for private schools and their flexible and effective internal management system, the establishment and implementation of private school assessment certification system is also an important reason. The so-called certification system is through social intermediary organizations recognized by the society, schools and government to develop the corresponding standards, and schools, especially private schools to assess certification system. This is a self-assessment combined with his evaluation of self-assessment, dynamic assessment and static assessment of the combination of dynamic assessment of the school-based assessment of accreditation system. Practice shows that certification system is an effective system to improve the teaching quality and management level of school education. At present, it has been developed not only in developed countries but also in many developing countries. Chinese private school education has undergone more than a decade of restoration and initial development. At present, vigorously raising the quality of education and teaching and management has become one of the keys to the survival and sustainable development of private schools. Undoubtedly, learning from the experience of other countries and conducting assessment accreditation of private schools is a worthwhile attempt to achieve the above goal. In view of this, Beijing Normal University Private Education Research and Service Center and the National Association of high school principals, with reference to experience in other countries and in light of China’s national conditions, developed a set of private school education evaluation and certification standards, and should Shenzhen Shiyan Gong
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村里第二次召开全体男社员分地大会,老田又没到。  村长王二麻子已扯着公鸭嗓在村里的大喇叭上喊了三次了:“五塘村老少爷们儿注意了,五塘村老少爷们儿注意了,请全体男劳力今儿黑喽七点前到村东头儿鱼坑边开会!请全体男劳力今儿黑喽七点前到村东头儿鱼坑边开会!”  此时,村东头儿的鱼坑边已陆陆续续聚集了一些男劳力了。他们中讲究的从家里带个马扎小凳子,不太讲究的从附近找块儿半头砖什么的塞在屁股底下,还有的不管它
后勤管理是学校管理的重要组成部分,是高职教育的物质基础。要从服务意识、服务理念、服务方式、服务质量上提升后勤服务质量。 Logistics management is an important part