
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahhshpl
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1995年全国地病办主任、地病所长工作会议在郑州市开幕了,对于贯彻全国卫生厅局长会议精神,总结1994年地方病防治工作,安排好1995年地方病防治任务是必要和及时的。 1994年全国地方病防治工作,在各级党和政府的领导下,以重点疾病防治为主,坚持综合治理科学防治的方针,取得了显著成效。去年国务院颁布了《食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例》和《中国2000年消除碘缺乏病规划纲要》,卫生部会同有关部门联合下发了《关于加强食盐市场管理、坚决杜绝非碘盐进入碘缺乏病区的通知》。各级卫生行政部门会同盐业部门对碘盐的生产、储存、销售及1995年底前基本实现全民食用碘盐做了大量准备工作。血吸虫病防治工作坚持春查秋会制度,在深入调查研究的基础上,国务院召开了第六次全国血吸虫病防治工作会议,并经国务院批准在8个血防试点县的基础上又确立了3个血防 In 1995, the National Director of the Division of Geographical Diseases and Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases opened a work conference in Zhengzhou City. It is necessary and timely to implement the prevention and control of endemic diseases in 1994 and implement the prevention and control of endemic diseases in 1994. In 1994, the prevention and control of endemic diseases throughout the country, under the leadership of the party and government at all levels, focused on prevention and control of key diseases, adhered to the principle of comprehensive treatment of scientific prevention, and achieved remarkable results. Last year, the State Council promulgated the “Regulations on Iodine Deficiency Prevention of Iodine Deficiency with Salt” and “Outline for Iodine Deficiency Disorders in China in 2000”. The Ministry of Health and the relevant agencies jointly issued the “Regarding the Administration of the Salt Market and Resolutely Preventing the Entry of Non-Iodized Salts. Iodine Deficiency Ward Notice. Health administrative departments at all levels, together with the salt industry, have done a lot of preparations for the production, storage, and sale of iodized salt and the basic realization of iodized salt for all citizens before the end of 1995. The schistosomiasis prevention and control work adhered to the spring inspection autumn meeting system. On the basis of in-depth investigation and study, the State Council convened the sixth national schistosomiasis prevention and control work conference and approved the State Council to establish three more schistosomiasis prevention counties on the basis of eight schistosomiasis pilot counties. Blood Defense
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011诊断性心导管的费用[英]/TalleyJD/JournalofInterventionalCardiology.-1994,7(3).-293~279美国花在医疗上的费用占GNP的15.2%,其中用在心导管检查上的相当可观。检查的次数逐年上升,... 011 The cost of diagnostic heart catheterization [English]/Ta