以十七届四中全会精神为指导 扎实做好基层党建工作

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党的基层组织是党全部工作和战斗力的基础,因此,抓好党建工作必须注意强化基层、打牢根基、夯实基础。近年来,日照市坚持以加强党的基层组织建设为重点,不断探索创新,狠抓工作落实,基层党建工作水平不断提升。党的十七届四中全会指出:“进一步巩固和加强党的基层组织,着力扩大覆盖面、增强生机活力,使党的基层组织充分发挥推动发展、服务群众、凝聚人心、促进和谐的作用。”为新时期做好基层党建工作指明了方向、提出了要求。今天,我们在这里召开座谈会,总结经验,交流工作,进一步学习贯彻全会精神,不断推动基层党建工作取得新成果。 The grass-roots party organizations are the foundation for all the party’s work and combat effectiveness. Therefore, we must pay attention to strengthening the grassroots level, laying a solid foundation and laying a solid foundation for doing a good job in party building. In recent years, Rizhao City, adhere to the strengthening of grass-roots party organizations as the focus, continue to explore innovation, pay close attention to the implementation of the work, grass-roots party building work continues to upgrade. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “We will further consolidate and strengthen the party’s grassroots organizations, strive to expand their coverage and vitality so that the grassroots organizations of the party give full play to the role of promoting development, serving the masses, building the public and promoting harmony.” "Pointed out the direction for the party building in the grass-roots party building in the new era, put forward requirements. Today, we hold a forum here, summarizing experiences, exchanging work, further studying and implementing the spirit of the plenary session, and constantly pushing forward the new achievements made by the grassroots party-building work.
倪瓒是元代绘画史上最具代表性画家之一,本文主要从他的绘画美学思想及不同时期的代表作这两方面来进行分析、阐述。 Ni Zan is one of the most representative painters i