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在摸清竹林中害虫与捕食性天敌活动规律的基础上,连续三年在林边及林中空地间种油菜,以菜蚜招引繁殖瓢虫。油菜收割后,瓢虫大量迁入竹林,捕食正处显露期的竹巢粉蚧,竹皱绒蚧,使林内蚧虫虫口减退率达97—99%,控制了蚧虫的危害,改善了林内昆虫生态结构。同时也充分利用了林间空地,增加了收益。 On the basis of finding out the regularity of activities of pests and predatory natural enemies in bamboo forests, we planted rape for three years in a row on the edge of the forest and in the open space of the forest, and aphid attracted the ladybugs. After the canola is harvested, the ladybugs move into the bamboo forest in large quantities, and prey on the melampyca and bamboo flea beetle that are exposed at the stage of exposure, so that the reduction rate of the scale insects in the forest reaches 97-99%, controlling the harm of the scale insects and improving the forest Insect ecological structure. At the same time, it also makes full use of glade and increases profits.
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为了增加F_1代和其它遗传材料,花生需要营养繁殖。早先报道的插条方法唯一依赖的就是植株的顶节(Harvey andShultz,1943;Gregory等,1951;Ashriand Goldin,1964),但它不适于
Meso-scale structures existing in the form of particle-rich clusters, streamers or strands in circulating fluidized beds, and of ascending bubble plumes and des
松梢螟(Dioryctria splendidella H.S)是我国主要松林害虫,幼虫蛀食松树主梢或侧梢,致使梢头枯死,造成干形弯曲,严重影响生长,降低木材利用价值。我省年发生面积达190多万亩
从1980年到1989年之间,中国摇滚尚未成型,玩的人懵懂不自知,听的人也是稀里糊涂,图个热闹。  1986年,崔健首唱《一无所有》、直到1989年,崔健的《新长征路上的摇滚》横空出世凭借着中国第一张原创摇滚专辑,崔健成为中国摇滚的开创者一时间《花房姑娘》、《一无所有》等成为脍炙人口的歌曲,这不仅仅是因为崔健把中国民族的元素与西方摇滚乐相结合,更是因为摇滚乐这种新的表现形式,使人们大开眼界,并沉浸