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在2001年11月底,国家计委数字电视研究开发及产业化领导小组组长、国家计委主任曾培炎在宣布我国数字电视的发展已进入实质性阶段的同时,他所领导的小组也制定了我国广播电视数字化的“三步走”计划。第一步,到2005年,卫星传输全部实现数字化,有线电视网以及省级以上电视台基本实现数字化,并在2003年完成地面数字(高清晰度)电视标准的制定,在大城市开播数字(高清晰度)电视。第二步,到2010年,广播影视节目的制作、播出以及卫星、有线传输实现数字化,地面电视基本实现数字化,数字电视接收机得到普及。第三步,2015年全面实现数字化,完成模拟向数字的过渡,逐步停止模拟电视的播出。数字电视是一个循序渐进的系统工程。真实的数字电视 At the end of November 2001, when Zeng Peiyan, leader of the State Development Planning Commission and the leader of the State Development Planning Commission for Digital Television Research and Development and Industrialization of the State Development Planning Commission, announced that the development of digital television in China has entered a substantive stage, TV digital three-step plan. The first step is to realize the digitalization of satellite transmission by 2005. The digitalization of cable television networks and television stations above the provincial level will be basically completed. In 2003, the development of the terrestrial digital (high definition) television standard will be completed and the number of high- Definition) TV. The second step, by 2010, the production and broadcasting of radio and television programs, as well as the satellite and cable transmission will be digitalized. The terrestrial television will be basically digitized, and the digital television receiver will be popularized. The third step is to fully realize digitalization in 2015, complete the transition from analogue to digital, and gradually stop the broadcasting of analogue television. Digital television is a systematic engineering step by step. Real digital TV
巴拿马政府已经批准一项金矿开采合同。该矿位于 Veraguas 区的圣弗朗希斯科境内,名叫雷兰斯金矿(Remnance)。据报道,储金量为26万盎司,计划在1989年年初数月内由巴拿马的 T
乳房外Paget病(Extramammary Paget's Disease EMPD)是皮肤肿瘤中的一种。目前研究的热点主要集中在肿瘤的病因学研究、手术范围的确定、恶性程度及预后的判断、新的治疗方法
年龄相关性白内障(Age-Related Cataract, ARC),是在中老年人群开始发生的进行性晶状体混浊。尽管手术可以提高白内障患者的视力,但其目前仍是世界上引起低视力和盲的主要原
目的:   肿瘤是人类死亡的主要原因之一,近50年来癌症发病率和死亡率一直处在上升趋势。早期预防、早期诊断是治愈癌症、提高存活率的关键。肿瘤标志物已成为早期发现肿瘤和
1986年7月21日,我们成功地组织了一次定向控制爆破工程,用炸药3.286t,分63段起爆,炸开了三水源泵站取水口的挡土土坎,形成宽50m,深7.3m 的取水口,与用机械设备水下清方比较,