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一,宗旨:為提倡節約,獎勵儲蓄加強生產基金,保障生活水準起見,特舉辦折實儲蓄存款。二、種類:分下列四種:甲、整存整付,乙、整存零付,丙、零存整付,丁、存本付息。三、計算單位以中白米三市斤,松柴五市斤,金籠細布一市尺,黑乙灶監一市兩,大桶猪油一市兩,共五種定量之實物價格合併為一個單位。四、價格標準:以貿易公司在雲南日報公佈之物價為準。由本行每日公佈以為存取款項之計算標準。五、對象:定期儲蓄在三個月以上者,不限對象與儲存額。一個月之定期儲蓄暫以有組織之工人負職員學生為限並需經過各組織(工會、職業團體、學生會等)之正式介紹,經本行認可方能開戶,其儲存最高額每人每月最多不超過其本人一個月之工資,學生每人每月不超過其本人一個月之伙食費。 First, the purpose: In order to promote conservation, reward savings to strengthen the production fund, to ensure the standard of living, special savings discount savings held. Second, types: There are four kinds of points: A, Entire deposit, B, the whole deposit and pay, C, zero deposit, D, deposit and interest payment. Third, the calculation unit to three kilograms of white rice, pinewood five jin jin, Jin cage fine cloth one foot, black and white stove two supermarkets, two vials, a total of five kinds of quantitative physical prices combined into a unit . Fourth, the price standard: the trading company announced in Yunnan Daily prices prevail. The standard published daily by the Bank for deposit and withdrawal. Fifth, the object: regular savings in more than three months, not limited to objects and storage. Regular savings of one month is limited to students with organized workers and is subject to formal introduction by organizations (trade unions, professional groups, student associations, etc.) and is authorized by the Bank to open an account. The maximum amount of savings per month per person Not more than a month’s salary for themselves, students per person per month does not exceed their monthly food costs.
全国每年要发生许多交通事故。造成这众多的交通事故虽有各种不同的原因,但有不少却是因气象原因造成的。例如,1980年上海交通事故中,因阴雨、雾、 There are many traffic
  目的 通过对肝包虫病的超声声像图特点进行分析,归纳总结,进一步提高对包虫病的认识,为治疗该病提供依据.方法 回顾性分析经手术及病理证实的56例肝包虫病的超声声像图特征.
  目的 回顾性分析西藏地区124名肝包虫患者声像图特点,评价超声(常规超声、高频超声及超声弹性成像技术)在肝包虫诊断中的应用价值。方法 对124名来自西藏自治区拉萨、日喀
Intrusion detection systems(IDS)can play a significant role in detecting security threats or malicious attacks that aim to steal information and/or corrupt netw
本團由人民銀行新華銀行建國銀行聚興誠銀行上海銀行和成銀行等組成茲定於九月一日正式成立假南屏街人民銀行營業部二樓辦公特此公告 (附本團簡章) 昆明市金融業聯合貸款團