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江泽民同志在十五大报告中要求我们全面认识公有制经济的含义,并指出“公有制实现形式可以而且应当多样化”。这是十分重要的论断。生产资料所有制是人们通过对物的占有而相互之间发生的生产关系。我们到目前为止所认识的所有制基本形式就是公有制和私有制,此外还有由它们所派生出来的各种混合所有制。生产资料社会主义公有制,就是由人们对生产资料在不同范围内、不同程度上的共同占有而发生的生产关系,它是社会主义社会经济制度的基础。生产资料公有化的程度并不是越高越好,公有制经济在国民经济整体中的比重也并不是越大越好,关键是要与社会生产力发展水平相适应。当前,我国经济体制改革的一项重大任务,就是要在全面、正确理解和把握公有制经济的含义的基础上,继续调整和完善所有制结构,以促进生产力的进一步解放和发展。党的十五大在一些人们以往认识很不一致并且长期争论不休的问题上,实现了重大的理论突破。这主要体现在:第一,明确了公有制经济不仅包括国有经济和集体经济,还包括混合所有制经济中的国有成分和集体成分;第二,确认公有制的主体地位主要体现在公有资产在社 In his report to the 15th National Congress, Comrade Jiang Zemin demanded that we fully understand the meaning of the public-owned economy and pointed out that “the form of public ownership can be and should be diversified.” This is a very important conclusion. The means of ownership of the means of production are the relations of production that take place between people through the possession of things. The basic forms of ownership that we have known so far are public ownership and private ownership, in addition to the various types of mixed ownership derived from them. The socialist public ownership of the means of production is the productive relationship that takes place between people in their possession and in varying degrees of ownership of the means of production. It is the foundation of the socialist social and economic system. The degree of public ownership of the means of production is not as high as possible. The proportion of the public-owned economy in the overall national economy is not as large as possible. The key is to adapt to the level of development of social productive forces. At present, one of the major tasks of China’s economic reform is to continue to readjust and perfect the ownership structure based on the comprehensive and correct understanding and grasping of the meaning of the public-owned economy so as to promote the further emancipation and development of the productive forces. The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has achieved major theoretical breakthroughs on the issue of some people who used to be very inconsistent and have long been debated. This is mainly reflected in the following: First, it is made clear that the public-owned economy includes not only the state-owned economy and the collective economy but also the state-owned and collective components of the mixed-ownership economy. Second, it is confirmed that the dominant position of public ownership lies mainly in the public ownership of assets
一、我国电子商务的发展状况 目前,互联网络在世界各国得到发展,亚洲互联网的平均年增长率接近 35%,中国则高达 400%,在未来的两年之内,中国将成为亚太地区主要的网络大国,也将成为