
来源 :中州煤炭 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Kitten
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新改刊的《中州煤炭》封底上,一幅鲜艳夺目的彩色照片跃入眼帘,它就是河南禹县吕沟煤矿的掠影。这个矿在全国地方煤矿矿际竞赛中连续三年获“先进煤矿”称号,成为河南第一个“三连冠” 煤矿。 吕沟矿原是年产三万吨的小煤窑,从1961年起,他们用国家少量投资和补助金,主要靠自己的力量,艰苦奋斗,以矿养矿,改造扩建,到1977年生产水平达到30万吨,累计上交利润1300多万元,成为地方煤矿技术改造效益最好的一个矿。 党的三中全会以后,改革的春风吹拂矿山 吕沟矿在改革中,一直走在全省煤矿的前列。他们最早推行联系产量、进尺、利润、安全等主要经济技术指标计酬的经济责任制,正确处理国家、企业、个人三者之间关系。煤炭部曾在这里举办全国地方煤矿矿长培训班,总结推广他们的经验。 The new edition of the “Zhongzhou Coal” back cover, a colorful eye-catching color photos, it is Lugou County in Henan Gou glimpse. This mine won the title of “advanced coal mine” for three consecutive years in the local coal mine in the country and became the first coal mine of “three consecutive years” in Henan. Since 1961, Lvgou Mine was originally a small coal kiln with an annual output of 30,000 tons. Since 1961, they used a small amount of investment and grants from the state mainly to rely on their own strength and work hard to recuperate and expand their mines by relying on ore so that they will reach the level of production in 1977 Reached 300,000 tons, the cumulative turned over profits of more than 1300 million yuan, a local coal mine technological transformation of the best benefit of a mine. After the Third Plenary Session of the Party, the spring breeze of reform blew the mine Lugou Mine in the reform, has been in the forefront of the province’s coal mines. They earnestly implemented the economic responsibility system of linking the payments of major economic and technological indicators such as output, footage, profits and security, and correctly handled the relations among the countries, enterprises and individuals. The Ministry of Coal Industry held a training course for the country’s local coal mine leaders here, summarizing and popularizing their experiences.
一种具有选择性的HW—LD型井下线路检漏继电器最近在河北省邯郸市无线电一厂定型投产。这种新型井下线路检漏继电器,是专为解决传统线路检漏继电器不带有选择性 A Selectiv
乌达矿务局五虎山煤矿是一个设计能力为15O万吨的矿井,该矿从1970年投产到1978年,连续亏损八年,原煤产量一直徘徊在百万吨以内.党的十一届三中全会以后,由于贯彻和落 Wuda M
燕子去了,有再来的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候;好马跑了,有回来的时候。但是卷卷,如果我愿意回头,你还认为我是好马吗?  ——题记    卷卷隔着过道抛过来一卷宽边透明胶,眨巴一下右眼,调皮地提醒我:“别唱啦别唱啦,大家对你有意见啦!要是实在熬不住,就用透明胶把嘴巴封上。”  “用这个?多浪费!”我把透明胶塞进桌肚,拎拎脖子边的毛衣高领子,把嘴巴埋进去。好吧,安心写作业,直到自习课结束。  可是,
秣食豆又称作饲料大豆,是豆科大豆属一年生草本植物。是大豆的一种原始类型。秣食豆生育期110~130d,是喜温、短日照、耐阴性强的作物,对土壤要求不严。 秣 beans are also k