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对腐败“零容忍”与推进依法治国息息相关,推进依法治国是对腐败“零容忍”的目标和保障,对腐败“零容忍”是推进依法治国的基石和路径。一、坚持对腐败“零容忍”以推进依治国是时代的选择当前,中国构筑的反腐体系还不健全,腐败问题错综复杂、腐败现象暗流涌动。坚持对腐败“零容忍”以推进依治国成为现实选择。(一)从反腐的严峻形势来看,必须对腐败“零容忍”近年来,我们党不断加大反腐力度,但腐败问题仍然易发多发,反腐形势依旧严峻:官员将腐败视为“适者生存”的丛林法则;腐败涉案金额从百万、千万上升 “Corruption” and “zero tolerance” are closely linked to the promotion of governing the country according to law. To push the rule of law by law is the goal and guarantee for corruption and “zero tolerance.” The “zero tolerance” toward corruption is the cornerstone and path for promoting the rule of law. I. Persisting in “Zero Tolerance” to Corruption “To Promote Governing the Country by Rule of Law is the Choice of the Times At present, the anti-corruption system built by China is still not perfect. The issue of corruption is complex and the undercurrent of corrupt phenomena surges. To Persist in Corruption ”Zero Tolerance “ To Realize Governing the Country by Ruling Is Realistic Choice (1) From the grim situation of anti-corruption, we must make sure that corruption is ”zero tolerance.“ In recent years, our party has continuously stepped up its anti-corruption efforts. However, the problem of corruption remains volatile and the anti-corruption situation remains grim: Officials regard corruption as The law of the jungle of ”the survival of the fittest"; the amount of corruption involved has risen from one million to tens of millions
Pore water studies enable (1) the detection of diagenetic reactions actively occurring in the sediment atthe time of sampling,(2) the distinction between princ
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2014年10月间,我参加了中国井冈山干部学院2014年第2期县委书记党性教育专题培训班。学院以空间换时间,走进现场、融入历史、亲身体验、触景生情的独特教学方式,引发了学员们内心强烈的共鸣,成效胜过多年所受的各种革命传统教育。其所传递出的“坚定信念、艰苦奋斗、实事求是、敢闯新路、依靠群众、勇于胜利”的井冈山精神更使我深受教育和启迪。  一、井冈山精神是强化党性锻炼坚定理想信念的精神支柱  历时两年
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