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浩瀚宇宙之间,众星循序运转;白天黑夜交替,日月同辉罕见。日月同辉是一种少见的天文现象,真实再现日月同辉现象的天然画面石更是罕见。这方黄河画面石,厚重敦实,紫红色的石面上悬挂着一轮金黄色的太阳和一弯淡白色的月亮,位置居中突出,比例大小适宜,画面清晰干净,日月交相辉映,观之令人拍案称奇。 Between the vast universe, the stars work in sequence; alternating day and night, sun and moon with a rare. Sun and Moon Tong Hui is a rare phenomenon of astronomy, the true reproduction of the sun and the moon as the phenomenon of natural picture stone is even rare. This side of the Yellow River picture stone, thick and dignified, purple stone surface hanging a golden sun and a pale white moon, the location of the center, the proportion of appropriate size, the picture is clear and clean, the sun and the moon each other, the concept of order People make a surprise.
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In a fusion reactor, the edge localized mode(ELM) coil has a mitigating effect on the ELMs of the plasma. The coil is placed close to the plasma between the vac
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[摘 要] 优秀传统文化是维系民族生存和发展的精神纽带,是国家生存发展壮大的动力源泉。对青年学生来讲,学习优秀传统文化不仅是对中华优秀传统文化的传承,更是建设文化强国的需要。目前我国对传统文化进校园的理解存在偏颇,如何让优秀的传统文化与教育融为一体值得深思。对传统文化进校园的意义进行探索、分析,并提出一些见解。  [关 键 词] 优秀传统文化;意义;校园文化  [中图分类号] G641 [文献标志