
来源 :压力容器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlklovey365
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目前压力容器制造厂的审查和取证工作,已由试点转入全面开展阶段,压力容器设计单位的资格审批工作也在积极进行。为了适应这一形势,促进上述工作更快更好地开展,本文明确规定了现阶段压力容器设计、制造资格审定的范围,指出有四类压力容器产品的设计、制造资格的审定工作暂不进行;本文对压力容器制造质量保证体系的基本要求,做了详尽而明确的阐述。以助于大家在实际工作中理解与执行;关于制造资格的市查方法、深度和审查结果的评定与问题的处理,本文就质保体系、产品制造、焊接和探伤等四个审查的关键环节作了说明;此外,本文还就压力容器设计单位和现场制造单位的资格审批工作做了说明。总之,这篇文章对各制造,设计单位的取证准备工作和各级劳动部门承担的资格审定工作,很有助益,值得一读。 At present, the review and forensic work of the pressure vessel manufacturer have been carried out from the pilot phase to the full phase of development. The qualification examination and approval work of pressure vessel design units is also proceeding actively. In order to adapt to this situation and promote the above work to be carried out faster and better, this article clearly stipulates the scope of pressure vessel design and manufacturing qualification at this stage, and points out that there are four types of pressure vessel product design and manufacturing qualification validation work not yet This article elaborates on the basic requirements of the pressure vessel manufacturing quality assurance system. So as to help everyone to understand and implement in practical work. Regarding the methods and depths of the market examination of manufacturing qualification and the assessment of the examination results and the handling of the problems, this paper makes a brief introduction on the key links of the four reviews of the quality assurance system, product manufacturing, welding and flaw detection In addition, this article also describes the pressure vessel design unit and on-site manufacturing unit qualification approval. In short, this article is very helpful and worth reading for the preparation work of forensics of manufacturing and design units and the qualification examination and approval undertaken by labor departments at all levels.
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