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国营南阳湖农场位于山东省济宁市的南阳湖畔,建场前原系湖水泛滥、杂草丛生的地区,由于湖水涨落不定,经年耕作失时,大片一地荒芜,因而成为微山湖蝗区飞蝗发生的严重地带。发生面积厂,蝗蝻密度每平方丈1,000—2,000头左右。农田常因蝗害、水灾、草荒等而颗粒无收。1956平建场后,通过机耕垦殖、规划土地、栽培作物和人工捕打及药剂防治等措施,取得了一定成绩,但蝗害仍较严重。亦曾有小麦穗头被全部咬掉,或因蝗害减产3—4成。1959年之后,由于贯彻了改治并举的方针,在农场党委正确领导下,从1960年春季开始,采取了根除蝗害的一系列措施,几年来已收到了良好效果,不仅大大压缩了飞蝗发生的面积,而且夏、秋蝗密度亦大为减少(表1)。 State Farm Nanyang Lake Farm is located in Jining City, Shandong Province, Nanyang Lake, before the establishment of the original flooding of the lake, overgrown areas, due to fluctuations in the lake, after years of farming loss, tracts of barren land, which became Weishan Lake locust Plague occurred in serious areas. Occurred area plant, locust density of 1,000-2,000 per square foot or so. Farmland often due to locusts, floods, waste grass and other crop failure. After the construction of Pingdingshan Hall in 1956, some achievements have been made through such measures as cultivating crops, planning land, cultivating crops, catching animals and preventing and controlling pesticides, but locusts are still relatively serious. Also had wheat bites were all bite, or because of locusts cut 3-4 into. Since 1959, with the implementation of the principle of both reorganization and treatment, a series of measures have been taken to eradicate locusts since the spring of 1960 under the correct leadership of the party committee of the peasantry. In the past few years, it has achieved good results and not only greatly reduced the population of locusts Occurred in the area, and summer, autumn locust density is also greatly reduced (Table 1).
一 一个新问题 螟虫是我国中、南部稻区内水稻生产上的大敌。解放以后,在党的领导下,大力开展防治,取得巨大的成绩。但是,近年来,随着农业生产的不断发展,螟虫发生情况有所
敌百虫是一种有机磷化物,为白色结晶体,易溶于水及有机溶剂中,在酸性溶液中比较稳定,在碱性溶液中易于分解,它对昆虫除有较强的胃毒作用外,接触作用也很理想。 1958年我场由
甘薯猿叶虫(Chrysochus chinensis Baly)是南方山区和丘陵地带—种甘薯的重要害虫,成虫取食嫩梢、嫩叶、茎皮与叶柄;幼虫食害根部,能钻进块根内蛀成孔洞,发生多时,便显著的