
来源 :琴童 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zibzibzib
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幼儿园中班的时候,妈妈问我要不要学钢琴,当时我不知道钢琴是啥玩意,本着好奇的心情,愉快地接受了妈妈的建议。我要学钢琴了!我当时高兴极了,那激动的心情无法形容。妈妈把我带到南京琴星艺术学校去看一看,熟悉一下那里的环境。刚到校一瞬间,我就被那优雅美妙的琴声吸引住了,我陶醉在那优美动听的旋律之中,流连忘返,产生了强烈的学习钢琴的欲望。从此以后,我就走上了学钢琴的道路。 Kindergarten class, my mother asked me not to learn the piano, then I do not know the piano is what is the matter, in a curious mood, happily accepted the mother’s advice. I want to learn the piano! I was very happy, that excitement unspeakable. Mom took me to Nanjing Ching Sing Art School to take a look and familiarize yourself with the environment there. Just arrived at school, I was attracted to that elegant and beautiful piano, I revel in the beautiful and melodious melody, linger, resulting in a strong desire to learn the piano. Since then, I have embarked on the path of learning the piano.
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