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随着新课程改革的不断深入,初中数学教学重点逐渐转变为构建高效课堂。但是就目前情况而言,受传统教学理念和教学模式的影响,高效课堂构建仍任重道远。初中数学教师要进一步解放思想,从学生实际情况入手,科学选择教学策略和方法,坚持以学生为本,夯实学生的数学学习基础。受传统教学思想和教学模式的影响,学生的综合素质难以得到有效提升。因此,构建高效课堂刻不容缓。在新的时代条件下,数学教师要不断创新思想,努力构建高效课堂,切实提高数学课堂教学效率。 With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, the focus of junior high school mathematics teaching gradually transformed into the construction of efficient classroom. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, under the influence of traditional teaching concepts and teaching modes, efficient classroom construction still has a long way to go. Junior high school mathematics teachers should further emancipate their minds, start with the actual situation of students, science teaching strategies and methods, adhere to the student-centered, consolidate the basis of the students learning mathematics. Affected by the traditional teaching ideas and teaching modes, the overall quality of students can not be effectively improved. Therefore, the construction of efficient classroom urgent. Under the conditions of the new era, mathematics teachers should constantly innovate their thinking, strive to construct an efficient classroom and effectively improve the efficiency of mathematics classroom teaching.
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