苦菜(Sonchus oleraceus L),药名出自《神农本草经》,《本草纲目》又称苦苣菜,菊科1年~2年生草本植物,我国大部分地区有分布。性味苦寒,《名医别录》曰:“疗肠癖,渴……”。南京地区中医用以治疗糖尿病,煎汤饮用,认为长期服用能减少胰岛素的用量,减轻并发症,如眼底动脉硬化引起的视物模糊等。为验证该药降血糖作用,笔者进行了实验观察。
Sophora oleraceus L (Sonchus oleraceus L), the drug name from the “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”, “Compendium of Materia Medica” also known as Sonchus vegetables, Asteraceae 1 to 2 years old herbaceous plants, most of our country has distribution. Taste of bitter cold, “Doctors do not record” said: “Intestinal fistula, thirsty ... ...”. In the Nanjing area, Chinese medicine is used to treat diabetes and Jian Tang. It is believed that long-term use can reduce the amount of insulin and reduce complications, such as blurred vision caused by fundus arteriosclerosis. In order to verify the hypoglycemic effect of the drug, the author conducted an experimental observation.