
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njliuyao
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我们在水稻的生产调查、区域试验、品种试验中,常常遇到因水稻空壳增多而造成水稻减产的问题。那么,究竟是什么原因使空壳增多而造成减产的呢?从空壳色泽上就可以帮助你判定出造成原因: 一、淡黄色空壳。与本品种粒色基本一致的,是因为水稻开花灌浆期受日平均气温大于30℃,日最高气温大于35℃的高温形成的。二、黑褐色空壳。因水稻开花灌浆期受日平均气温小于20℃。日最低与温小于18℃的连阴雨、低温形成的。三、淡绿色空壳。因养分不足或种性自身形成的。 In the rice production survey, regional experiment and variety test, we often encounter the problem of rice yield reduction due to the increase of empty shells in rice. So, what is the reason why the increase in the shell caused by the cut? From the shell color can help you determine the causes: First, the light yellow shell. The grain color of this species is basically the same, because the rice flowering filling period by the daily average temperature is greater than 30 ℃, the maximum daily temperature is greater than 35 ℃ high temperature formed. Second, dark brown shell. Because of the flowering and filling of rice by the average daily temperature of less than 20 ℃. The lowest day and the temperature is less than 18 ℃ with rainy, low temperature formed. Third, light green shell. Due to lack of nutrients or the formation of their own kind.
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