
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenglin229
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党的十三届三中全会以后,我们紧密结合职工思想实际,运用脱产、半脱产、业余等不同形式,中时间、集中人力在职工中开展了“双基”教育,到现在,全局已举办培训班434期,轮训职工67480名。通过教育,较好地解决了职工中存在的“行不行”、“灵不灵”的一些深层次思想问题,进一步激发了广大职工的爱国热情和建设社会主义的积极性。我们认为,解决职工深层次思想问题不能操之过急,要进行长期的工作。从根本上讲,要靠做好各方面的工作,在稳定的前提下,把经济搞上去,克服官僚主义和腐败现象,密切党和群众的联系,从而使人们看到社会主义事业在不断前进,社会主义优越性在不断得到发挥,用事实说服人。但是,加强正面灌输,积极引导,对于理顺职工情绪,促进深层次问题的解决,促进各项工作的发展有着重要作用。我们的做法是: After the Third Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee, we have carried out a “double-base” education in the workforce among different types of workers in different forms of production, semi-production and amateurs, in time and in a concentrated manner. By now, the overall situation has been held There were 434 training courses and 67480 employees in rotation. Through education, we have solved some deep-seated ideological problems that exist in the workforce, such as “not working” and “spiritual incompetence.” They have further stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of the vast numbers of workers and the enthusiasm for building socialism. In our opinion, we should not handle the deep ideological problems of staff and workers long-term. Fundamentally speaking, we should rely on doing a good job in all aspects of work, stabilize the premise, push the economy up, overcome bureaucracy and corruption, and make the people’s cause of socialism continue to move forward by closely linking the party with the masses The superiority of socialism is continuously being used to persuade people by facts. However, strengthening frontal instillation and active guidance plays an important role in straightening out the mood of staff and workers, promoting the solution of deep-seated problems and promoting the development of various work. Our approach is:
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