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《到灯塔去》是伍尔夫意识流小说的巅峰之作,其独特的叙事聚焦发挥了巨大作用。本文以研究瞿世镜的译文为出发点,提出翻译意识流小说时,译者要跟随人物视点的变化,从故事人物的眼光出发,聚焦于人物的内心意识,译出人物随意、朦胧的言语和跳跃、非理性的思想,而在处理引导语、简略行动描写和第二部分客观事物描写时,需要从叙述者眼光出发,聚焦于客观事物和其所依附的主观情感,这样才能尽可能降低译者的主体性。 Going to the Lighthouse is the culmination of Woolf’s stream of consciousness novels, and his unique narrative focus has played a huge role. Based on the study of the translation of Qu Shijing, when translating the stream of consciousness novels, the translator should follow the changes of the perspectives of the characters, starting from the perspectives of the stories and the characters, focusing on the inner consciousness of the characters, translating the random words, vague words and jumping, Irrational thoughts. When dealing with the introductory phrases, the brief description of actions and the second part of the description of objective things, we need to start from the narrator’s perspective and focus on the objective things and the subjective feelings to which they are attached. Only in this way can the translator’s Subjectivity.
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