Highly transparent low resistance Ga doped ZnO/Cu grid double layers prepared at room temperature

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlp2009
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Ga doped ZnO(GZO)/Cu grid double layer structures were prepared at room temperature(RT).We have studied the electrical and optical characteristics of the GZO/Cu grid double layer as a function of the Cu grid spacing distance.The optical transmittance and sheet resistance of the GZO/Cu grid double layer are higher than that of the GZO/Cu film double layer regardless of the Cu grid spacing distance and increase as the Cu grid spacing distance increases.The calculated values for the transmittance and sheet resistance of the GZO/Cu grid double layer well follow the trend of the experimentally observed transmittance and sheet resistance ones.For the GZO/Cu grid double layer with a Cu grid spacing distance of 1 mm,the highest figure of merit(φ_(TC)=6.19×10~(-3)Ω~(-1))was obtained.In this case,the transmittance,resistivity and filling factor(FF) of the GZO/Cu grid double layer are83.74%,1.10×10~(-4)Ω·cm and 0.173,respectively. Ga doped ZnO (GZO) / Cu grid double layer structures were prepared at room temperature (RT). We have studied the electrical and optical characteristics of the GZO / Cu grid double layer as a function of the Cu grid spacing distance. The optical transmittance and sheet resistance of the GZO / Cu grid double layer are higher than that of the GZO / Cu film double layer regardless of the Cu grid spacing distance and increase as the Cu grid spacing distance increases. calculated values ​​for the transmittance and sheet resistance of the GZO / Cu grid double layer well follow the trend of the experimentally observed transmittance and sheet resistance ones. For the GZO / Cu grid double layer with a Cu grid spacing distance of 1 mm, the highest figure of merit (φ_ (TC) = 6.19 × 10 -3 Ω -1) was obtained in this case, the transmittance, resistivity and filling factor (FF) of the GZO / Cu grid double layer are 83.74%, 1.10 × 10 ~ -4) Ω · cm and 0.173, respectively.
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