
来源 :农村.农业.农民(B版)(三农中国) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aeo55121891
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根据国家发展和改革委员会、国家邮政局的联合通知,自11月15日起,信函、明信片业务资费将幅度提高,涨幅在30%甚至50%,发展改革委有关负责人表示,此举是为理顺邮政资费结构,缓解邮政行业经营困难,促进邮政行业发展和邮政体制改革的深化。有关资料显示,邮政亏损相当严重。1998年邮电分营之初,中国邮政亏损高达179亿元,亏损额列全国各行业之首。邮政方面把巨亏归因于其承担的普遍服务,国家邮政局的一份调查报告称,中国邮政每年承担的普遍服务亏损额达41.7亿元。其 According to a joint circular issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Post Bureau, since November 15, tariffs on postal and post cards will increase by 30% or 50%. According to the official from the National Development and Reform Commission, the move is justified Shun postal tariff structure to ease the postal industry operating difficulties and promote the development of the postal sector and the deepening of postal system reform. The information shows that the postal loss is quite serious. At the beginning of the post and telecommunications division in 1998, China Post recorded a loss of as much as 17.9 billion yuan, ranking the first among the various industries in the country. The postal service attributed the huge loss to the universal service it undertook. According to a survey conducted by the State Post Bureau, the average service loss suffered by China Post amounts to 4.17 billion yuan each year. its
This paper mainly analyzed the isotopic effect of precipitation in the Yarlung Zangbo River.On the whole,the isotopic compositions of most water samples fall on
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