美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马接受本刊专访 我和中国很有缘

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美国当地时间6月3日,美国民主党总统参选人奥巴马,高调宣布自己获得民主党总统候选人提名,成为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统候选人。奥巴马的胜利给美国政坛和社会带来了前所未有的震撼和冲击。《纽约时报》以“史诗般的战役”来描述奥巴马和希拉里的初选之争;更有评论认为,奥巴马成功地打破了美国社会依然存在的“种族障碍”。奥巴马则在胜选当晚发表感言时说:“今晚,我们庆祝一个历史进程的结束,和另一个将给美国带来新的、更美好日子的进程的开始!”6月5日晚,奥巴马与希拉里这两位比拼了近半年的对手,终于心平气和地坐到了一起。两人秉烛夜谈的诸多细节外界不得而知,但可以断定的是,从这一天开始,奥巴马将成为民主党在大选中倾力支持的唯一人选。两人的联合声明说得很清楚:“希拉里和奥巴马今晚相聚,就应该做哪些工作以确保今年11月大选获胜,进行了富有成果的会谈。”随着奥巴马的胜出,共和党的情绪也被调动起来。共和党总统候选人麦凯恩当即邀请奥巴马在接下来的几个月中,与他就美国民众关心的各项议题进行十场辩论。对奥巴马来说,决战的号角已经吹响!在未来的选战中,奥巴马会不会也打“中国牌”?他有着怎样的“中国观”?他是否有着不同于别人的“中国故事”?……这些疑问,是中国人在未来几个月中观察美国大选时所关心的问题。也许,从本刊对他的专访和他给记者的回信中,我们可以看出一些端倪。——编者 U.S. local time On June 3, U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama announced in a high profile his nomination of the Democratic presidential candidate and became the first African American presidential candidate in the history of the United States. Obama’s victory has brought unprecedented shock and impact to U.S. politics and society. The New York Times used “epic battles” to describe the primaries between Obama and Hillary Clinton; more commented that Obama succeeded in breaking the “race barrier” still existing in American society. In his speech on the night of the election, Obama said: “Tonight, we celebrate the end of a historical process and the start of another process that will bring new and better lives to the United States!” On the evening of June 5 Obama and Hillary Clinton these two competitors for nearly six months, finally calmly got together. The details of the talks between the two parties are unknown, but it can be concluded that starting from that date, Obama will be the only candidate Democrats will lend his support to in the general election. The joint statement made by both men makes it very clear: “Hillary Clinton and Obama are tonight meeting, what should be done to ensure that the general election in November this year, fruitful talks.” “With Obama’s victory, the Republican Emotions have also been mobilized. Republican presidential candidate John McCain immediately invited Mr. Obama to hold ten debates on various issues of interest to the American public in the coming months. For Obama, the horn of the decisive battle has sounded! In the future campaign, will Obama also hit the ”Chinese card“? What kind of ”China concept“ does he have? Does he have a different from others ”China Story "? ... These questions are questions Chinese people care about when observing the U.S. presidential election in the coming months. Perhaps, from our magazine interview with him and his reply to reporters, we can see some clues. --editor
问:今年“五一”节,我6岁的儿子想买滑板车。为了让孩子爱劳动,我让他以擦地板、洗碗来换钱,把钱积攒起来再买。孩子的劳动积极性是被调动了,但问题也随之而来:一、孩子干点活就要零用钱,有点惟钱是图。二、孩子拿了钱就乱买东西,不能坚持积攒。我担心孩子的金钱观念太强,也怕他养成乱花钱的习惯。请问如何改变现在这种状况?  一个着急的妈妈  答:据我所知,你的问题也是当前不少家长感到困惑的,所以非常感谢你提供
刚刚告别的2005年,是中国农村村 民自治的重要一年。 作为中国土生土长的一种民主制 度,中国农村的村民自治植根于泥土, 行走在村野,人们亲切地称之为“草根 民主”。在2005
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