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The Daur nationality,with a total population of 120,000,is one of the least-populous“minzu”in China.Most Daur live in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and in Heilongjiang Province,and only few are in Xinjiang and Liaoning Province.They have their own language,called Altaic Mongolian,and use the Latin alphabet for their writing,although they are generally proficient in Chinese language and writing nowadays.In the The Daur nationality, with a total population of 120,000, is one of the least-populous “minzu ” in China. Mother Daur live in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and in Heilongjiang Province, and only few are in Xinjiang and Liaoning Province. They have their own language, called Altaic Mongolian, and use the Latin alphabet for their writing, although they are generally proficient in Chinese language and writing nowadays.In the the
前不久ESPN专家约翰·霍林格关于2009年的12个预测中,有一点认为雄鹿将顺利晋级季后赛,文中甚至用到了“easily(轻松地)”这样的定语。考虑到雄鹿上赛季还仅仅获得26场胜利,这样的进步无疑值得大书一笔。他们后半赛程相对轻松,也许在那笔交易阿联的买卖中会笑到最后。    既然说雄鹿较之上赛季有所进步,那么故事不妨就从2007-08赛季说起。        政权易主    2007年夏天,雄鹿
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本刊点评:年少成名的冯潇霆拥有诸多纪录:甲A联赛进球最年轻的球员,甲A联赛最年轻的场上队长,18岁时成为首位国足、国奥和国青的三栖球 Article comment: Young fame Feng X