Gaussian beam shaping based on aspheric cylindrical lenses

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We propose a specific aspheric cylindrical optical system to transform Gaussian beam to flat-top and rectangular beam. The Gaussian beam shaping system is composed of dual orthogonal aspheric cylindrical lenses. The principle of shaping Gaussian beam is studied theoretically. The mapping function of arbitrary rays in an incident plane and an image plane is deduced based on the law of energy conservation, and the real ray tracing method is adopted to design the shaping system. Finally, the lens system is processed by single point diamond turning techniques. Testing results indicate that the system achieves the theoretical expectation, and the uniformity of flat-top and rectangular beam is 88.2%. The method is not only simple but also practical.
提出了一种基于光学衍射成像原理的图像加密方法,并以具有两个随机相位板的自由空间衍射结构为例,说明该方法的原理。该系统加密过程简单,加密过程只需要记录一幅衍射强度图像,即作为密文保存。为了从密文中完全恢复明文,需要除了3 个相位板之外的第四个密钥,即原始图像的稀疏数据。这需要在对原始图像加密之前,利用数字方法提取其稀疏数据。在利用相位恢复算法恢复明文的过程中,这些稀疏数据作为输入平面的部分振幅支撑,可以避免迭代过程的停滞问题并提高收敛速率,从而完全恢复明文。由于完成加密过程只需要记录单幅强度图像,避免了干涉
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利用单波长激光通过扬尘空间发生散射消光衰减的特性, 设计了开放光程的颗粒物浓度检测方法及系统。该方法利用双峰正态分布模型模拟颗粒物粒径分布, 实时计算一定空间范围内的扬尘颗粒物浓度, 具有响应速度快、测量动态范围宽的优点, 适合浓度高、变化快、空间范围大的扬尘颗粒物浓度测量。通过水溶胶模拟实验与烟尘实验验证了该方法的可行性。实验数据表明, 系统量程可达0~400mg/m3, 分辨率为0.05mg/m3, 响应时间小于1 s。
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提出一种高折射率材料80PbO·20Ga2O3(PG玻璃)中心填充椭圆芯光子晶体光纤.基于有限元法对光子晶体光纤的双折射特性和模场面积进行数值模拟,并研究了椭圆芯尺寸、椭圆率和孔间距等光纤几何参量对双折射特性的影响.数值研究表明:在1 550 nm波长处,双折射高达1.256×10-1,x偏振和y偏振模场面积分别为0.43 μm2和0.68 μm2;在910 nm~1931 nm的宽波段范围内,双折射始终保持10-1量级.该光纤可以作为保偏光纤应用于偏振控制、相干通信和光纤传感系统.