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10月16日上午,中国科学院召开党员领导干部大会,传达学习贯彻中共中央十五届五中全会精神。中科院党组书记、院长路甬祥就中科院进一步学习和贯彻五中全会精神发表了重要讲话。要联系实际认真学习深刻领会全面把握全会精神做到五个坚持路甬详说,五中全会是我党在世纪之交召开的一次十分重要的会议,会议通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》是我党高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜和贯彻党的十五大精冲,深刻总结十一届三中全会以来改革开放和现代化建设的实践经验,全面审视世纪之交国际的经济、政治、科技发展的大格局、大变化、大趋势,对我国下世纪初的改革与发展做出的重大步署,有很强的理论性、前瞻性、政策性和战略指导意义,内涵十分丰富,意义十分深远。我们必须认真学习,深刻领会,全面把握,并且紧密联系中科院 On the morning of October 16, the Chinese Academy of Sciences held a meeting of leading cadres of party members to convey and study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee. Lu Yongxiang, party secretary and president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made an important speech on further studying and implementing the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We must conscientiously study in a profound way one after another and firmly grasp the spirit of the plenum so as to uphold the principle of “five adherents to the path of the east and the west,” said that the Fifth Plenary Session is a very important meeting convened by our party at the turn of the century, and the “CPC Central Committee's Decision on Formulating a National Economy The Proposal for the Tenth Five-Year Plan for Social Development ”is the practical experience of our party holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and implementing the 15th Party Congress and profoundly summarizing the reform, opening up and modernization since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, At the crossroads of major international economic, political and scientific developments, great changes and major trends, we have made a strong theoretical, forward-looking, policy-oriented and strategic plan for the great progress made in the reform and development of our country at the beginning of the next century Guiding significance, connotation is very rich, the meaning is very far-reaching. We must conscientiously study, profoundly understand, fully grasp, and closely contact the Chinese Academy of Sciences
经国家自然科学基金委员会评审,今年我校获得国家自然基金33项,批准金额1 654万元。在继续保持去年增长势头的基础上再创新高,实现了我校国家自然科学基金项目的进一步突破。
例证法是写作议论文最常用的论证方法,运用这种论证方法,关键是要掌握用例艺术,把握选例、引例、叙例、议例四个环节。  选例——得当  选例,这是运用例证法的最关键的一步,例子是否得当直接影响到整篇文章的成败。那么,什么样的例子才算“得当”呢?第一,例子要有深度。它必须切中论题,瞄准论点,具有“向心力”,是正中靶心的“十环”材料,而不是那种与论点无关“脱靶”材料或与论点关系不大的“擦边”材料。第二,例
猴子双手枕着脑袋,躺在树上,很得意。  我睡大树上,谁来都不怕……  当心老虎来吃你!
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