一、间作清耕法 在幼龄果园,空间面积较大,为充分利用土地资源,增加果园的前期经济效益,可适当进行间作。间作应选择生育期短、矮秆、需水量较少且与果树没有共同病虫害的作物,一般以豆类、薯类、花生、中药材等为宜,绝不能间作高秆、晚熟及蔬菜类作物。合理的间作有利果树生态环境的改善,间作速生豆科绿肥作物,每年翻耕入土,对改良土壤,提高地力有良好作用。进入结果期的果园,特别是矮化密植果园,可采用清耕休闲法。即在一年中多次进行中耕除草,使土壤保持休闲状态。优点
First, the intercropping of tillage method In young orchards, the space area larger, in order to make full use of land resources, increase orchard economic benefits, may be appropriate for intercropping. Intercropping should choose the short growth period, dwarf, less water and fruit trees with no common pests and diseases of crops, generally beans, potatoes, peanuts, Chinese herbal medicines, etc., should not be between the high stalk, late maturity and vegetable crops . Reasonable intercropping is conducive to the improvement of the ecological environment of fruit trees, intercropping instant green legume crops, tillage into the soil each year, to improve the soil, improve soil fertility have a good effect. Into the results of the orchards, especially dwarf dense planting orchard, can be used to clear farming leisure law. That is, cultivating and weeding many times a year to keep the soil in a leisurely state. advantage