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为了发扬光大我国历史悠久的吃喝之风,发现并培养公款吃喝之人才,扬中华公款吃喝之国威,倡国民公款吃喝之精神,我们特设立此项公款吃喝大奖赛,望全国各地有志于公款吃喝之勇士踊跃参加。鉴于经济虽有所发展,城乡仍有差别,本次大奖赛特设城市、乡村两组,细则如下:城市组:要求要敢于吃出前人所未吃、喝出前人所未喝的水平来,消费金额不但要敢于突破全国记录,还要敢于冲破亚洲走向世界(如有破世界记录者,组委会可代为申报吉尼斯世界记录)。除吃喝大奖外,另设创新奖1名,奖给那些不但能吃会喝,还能吃出花样的人,如前不久有人创造出了黄金酒,若海洛因掺人XO,味道肯定好极了,欢迎有志于创新的吃喝家们一试。勇气奖2名,吃喝固可令人五体通神,上下通气不咳嗽,但这只是低层次的吃喝。敢吃会吃才是别有一番滋味在心头,如活吃猴脑,吃活蛇蝎,就颇需要一番大丈夫的勇气。若有敢公款活吃人脑者(注意不是猴脑),则授予该奖。玫瑰奖3名,现在社会上有穷庙富方丈之说,更有一些下岗职工诋毁我们的领导,说是公款吃喝毁了他们的家,这就让我们的一些领导在吃喝上束手束脚,不敢大展才华。此奖专门授予这类中 In order to carry forward China’s long history of eating and drinking style, find and cultivate public funds to eat and drink of talent, Yang Zhonghua public money to eat and drink of the national prestige, advocate the public eating and drinking of the spirit of the public, we set up this special fund-eating Grand Prix, all over the country interested in public eating and drinking Warriors enthusiastically participated. In view of the economic development, there are still differences between urban and rural areas, the ad hoc city of the Grand Prix, the village two groups, the details are as follows: City Group: Requirements dare to eat before eating, drinking out of previous drinking levels , The amount of consumption not only dare to break through the national record, but also dares to break Asia into the world (if there is a broken world record, the Organizing Committee can declare the Guinness Book of World Records). In addition to eating and drinking awards, the other set of innovation award a prize for those who will not only eat and drink, but also eat tricks people, as recently someone created a golden wine, if mixed with XO heroin, the taste is definitely good , Welcome interested in innovation eat and drink a try. Courage Award 2, eat and drink solid can make five body through God, up and down ventilation is not cough, but this is only low-level food and drink. Dare to eat is to have a taste in mind, such as live eating monkey brain, eat viper, quite need some big man’s courage. If you dare to eat public money to live brains (note that not monkey brain), then awarded the award. Rose 3, now there are poor temple rich abbot said that some more laid-off workers vilify our leadership, that is the public money to eat and drink destroyed their home, which allows some of our leadership in eating and drinking, not afraid to dare Exhibition talent. This award is exclusively for this category
英语写作在高考中的地位不容忽视。因此,在高中阶段,教师应重视英语写作,认真研究新教材和新课程标准,有计划有目的地训练和提高学生的英语写作能力。 English writing in t
一、 新目标教材的特点  1. 注重中西文化差异,在教学中渗透思想教育  每一种语言都有着丰富的民族文化特点,语言和文化是相辅相成、不可分割的,因而,对于语言的学习,在掌握语言本身特点的基础上,应深入理解语言所包含的丰厚内蕴。这套教材在认真编写语言基本知识的前提下,侧重联系学生自身的民族历史知识,深入浅出地概述了英语国家的文化,使学生能够正确地辨析中西方文化的差异,增强了学生对中西方文化的辨别能力