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最近,在江苏省通州市计生系统,一份“关于开展向通州市‘十佳女性’季宝兰同志学习的通知”被大家广为传看。季宝兰是平潮镇计划生育助理,在这个平凡的岗位上,这个柔弱的女子已经连续工作了14个年头,并且做出了不平凡的事情。她的家庭是南通市十佳文明和谐家庭,她本人是通州市十佳女性,她所工作的镇已经连续8年被评为通州市计生工作先进集体。面对大家的赞扬,季宝兰却心如止水,她说她只是做了一点小事而已。 Recently, in Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province’s family planning system, a “Notice on Carrying Out the Study of Top Ten Women in Tongzhou City,” Ji Baolan was widely publicized. Ji Baolan is a flat-tide town family planning assistant, in this ordinary post, the weak woman has been working continuously for 14 years, and made extraordinary things. Her family is one of the top ten civilized and harmonious families in Nantong City. She is one of the top ten women in Tongzhou. She has been awarded the title of “Advanced Unit of Family Planning in Tongzhou” for eight consecutive years. In the face of everyone’s praise, Jiubaolan is reckless, she said she just did a little thing.
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