Low-heating solid state synthetic reactions of cyclopeantadienyl organolanthanide complexes

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:triyve
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A novel and simple one-step, solid state reaction of multicomponent systems has been developed to synthesize cyclopentadienyl-containing organolanthanide complexes, in which the effects of the coordinated solvent molecules and the nature of the reactants were also studied. We also studied the solid state decomposition reaction of Cp2YbPz(HPz), and the formation of [CpYb(Pz)2]2 may indicate that the constrained environment in solid state can lead to a novel chemical transformation, with product selectivity possibly different from that in the liquid phase. A novel and simple one-step, solid state reaction of multicomponent systems has been to synthesize cyclopentadienyl-containing organolanthanide complexes, in which the effects of the coordinated solvent molecules and the nature of the reactants were also studied. We also studied the solid state decomposition reaction of Cp2YbPz (HPz), and the formation of [CpYb (Pz) 2] 2 may indicate that the constrained environment in solid state can lead to a novel chemical transformation, with product selectivity possibly different from that in the liquid phase.
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