
来源 :模具工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SLANGELA
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薄板钢材成型时,控制其口弹量是很重要的。尤其在加工几个相互配合的零件时,若不控制回弹量就会产生难以装配的后果。实践证明回弹量与钢材的特性和模具的结构有关,钢材的强度越高,弹性模量越低,且工件的弯曲半径和模具的间隙越大则成型的回弹量就越大,对某一种钢材而言,若模具 When forming sheet steel, it is important to control the amount of bounce. Especially in the processing of several parts with each other, if you do not control the amount of rebound will produce difficult to assemble the consequences. Practice has proved that the amount of rebound and the characteristics of steel and the structure of the mold, the higher the strength of the steel, the lower the elastic modulus, and the bending radius of the workpiece and the mold gap is larger the larger the amount of springback, forming a A steel, if the mold
高高的藏式土掌房 我的朋友云南青年舞蹈家农布七林是中甸藏族,今年夏天,我和他游览中甸,也去了他家做客,真正地观察到了藏族家居和领略了藏家待客礼仪。 一进门,院子很大,大块的青
婚姻是两个人的世界. 即使两人非常相爱,也不可能完全 做到令对方满意.有的时候一方习以为常的行为 恰恰是另一方最反感的行为,也是家庭矛盾的导火索,别以为这 些都是小事,可
新的会计准则体系已于2007年1月1日起在上市公司范围内率先实施。这一重大会计改革决策,标志着我国会计准则与国际会计惯例已基本接轨,对我国银行 The new accounting stand
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第1期第1期The Bipolar Field-Effect Transistor:III.Short Channel Electrochemical Current Theory(Two-MOS-Gates on Pure-Base)…………………………………………………
The fatigue properties of laser peened aluminum alloy 7050 specimens with fastener holes were investigated. The surface profile and residual stress induced in t