Analysis of ~(90)Sr in Environmental Water Samples Using SPE Disks

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suibianyidianyaoshi
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90 Sr is produced through nuclear fission. It is an important radionuclide in the environment and mainly comes from atmospheric nuclear tests. However, the operation of nuclear facilities (such as repro- cessing plant) may also release 90Sr and contaminate the environment. Therefore, analysis of 90Sr in the environment has been an important task in the routine environmental radiological monitoring. 90Sr and its daughter, 90Y, both are pure beta-emitter radionuclides. It is necessary to isolate 90Sr or 90Y from environ- 90 Sr is produced through nuclear fission. It is an important radionuclide in the environment and mainly comes from atmospheric nuclear tests. It is an important radionuclide in the environment and mainly comes from atmospheric nuclear tests. It is an important radionuclide in the environment and mainly comes from atmospheric nuclear tests. analysis of 90Sr in the environment has been an important task in the routine environmental radiological monitoring. 90Sr and its daughter, 90Y, both are pure beta-emitter radionuclides. It is necessary to isolate 90Sr or 90Y from environ-
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