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武汉东湖新技术开发区是以密集的智力为依托,以雄厚的工业基础为后盾,以发展高新技术产业为目标,促进科、工、贸一体化,推动武汉市产业结构的调整和区域经济的振兴,加速科学技术与经济、社会协调发展的国家级高新技术产业开发区。经过自1988年12月起步以来的四年多发展,现已初具规模。到1993年1月,已拥有306家高新技术企业,550多家科技型企业,130家“三资”企业。四年多的时间里,高新技术企业共为武汉市新增产值18.8亿元,新增利税2.2亿元。每年保持50%以上的增长速度。东湖开发区建设实践,不仅探索了一条投资少、见效快、效益好的发展经济的路子,更重要的是真正实现了科技与经济结合,使大量积淀的科技 Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone is based on the intensive intelligence, backed by a solid industrial foundation to develop high-tech industries as the goal, to promote integration of science, industry, trade and promote industrial restructuring in Wuhan City and the regional economy Revitalize and accelerate the coordinated development of science and technology and economy and society as a national high-tech industrial development zone. After more than four years of development since its inception in December 1988, it has begun to take shape. By January 1993, it had 306 high-tech enterprises, over 550 science and technology enterprises and 130 “three-capital” enterprises. In the more than four years, new and high-tech enterprises added a total output value of 1.88 billion yuan to Wuhan City, with a new profit and tax of 220 million yuan. Each year to maintain more than 50% growth rate. The construction of Donghu Development Zone has not only explored a path of economic development with less investment, quicker returns and better economic returns, but more importantly, it has truly realized the integration of science and technology with the economy so that a large amount of accumulated science and technology
动脉硬化和骨质疏松是两种常见的老年病,两者具有相同的危险因素和病理生理机制。护骨素、基质G la蛋白、维生素D、甲状旁腺素、骨桥蛋白、氧化脂质等均参与或加速了两者的共
The intellectual property rights of Olympic symbols,logos and mascots as well as the interests of the game sponsors are better protected with increasing attenti
具有传奇色彩的健美运动员雷格.帕克(Reg Park)于07年11月22日去世,享年79岁。他在早些时期被诊断为恶性黑色素瘤(一种恶性的晚期皮肤癌)。11月初的时候,他就因为病情恶化住