
来源 :浙江消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nalbuphine
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“五·一”劳动节,开化县花山宾馆组织开展了一次全员消防培训和灭火实战演练活动;“五·四”青年节,该宾馆又成功地举办了以“消防安全”为主题的综艺晚会。全宾馆86名干部员工均参与了这两项活动,大家在学习、演练和娱乐中,受到了有益的启发、教育,增强了消防安全意识,从而在让职工既愉快地度过节日的同时,又收到良好的宣传教育效果。 花山宾馆在“五·一”、“五·四”双节期间,对职工开展消防培训及进行安全教育,目的在于提高单位的自防自救能力,做到警钟长鸣,防患未然。这也是该宾馆实现“软硬两手抓,严防保安全”消防工作目标计划中的一件大事。今年初,这家宾馆领导乘宾馆改建之机,投入10多万元资金配置消防自动报警装置,增添了相应的消防设施和器材;在硬件上舍得花钱保平安的同时,他们还注重内部的消防管理,狠抓软件,从加强员工的消防安全培训及 On May 1 Labor Day, Huashan Hotel in Kaihua County organized an all-fire training and actual fire-fighting exercise. During the “May 4” Youth Day, the hotel successfully held Variety Arts with the theme of “fire safety” Party 86 cadres and staff members of the entire guesthouse are involved in these two activities. All of them have been enlightened, educated and enhanced their awareness of fire safety during their study, exercise and entertainment. As a result, while employees are happily passing the festival, Have received a good publicity and education results. During the “May 1” and “May 4” double-seasons, Huashan Hotel conducted training on fire safety and safety education for employees with the aim of improving the self-defense and self-help capability of units and ensuring that the alarm beep and prevented from happening. This is also the hotel to achieve “soft and hard both grasp, strictly prevent security” firefighting goal plan a major event. Earlier this year, this hotel led by guest house reconstruction machine, invested more than 10 million funds to configure automatic fire alarm device, adding the appropriate fire facilities and equipment; willing to spend money on the hardware security, at the same time, they also pay attention to the internal Fire management, pay close attention to software, fire safety training from employees and strengthen
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