A germline variant N375S in MET and gastric cancer susceptibility in a Chinese population

来源 :Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuakua01
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MET tyrosine kinase and its ligand,hepatocyte growth factor(HGF),play a pivotal role in the activties of tumor cells.A germline missense variant in exon 2 of the MET gene,N375S(rs33917957 A>G),may alter the binding affinity of MET for HGF and thus modify the risk of tumorigenesis.In this study,we performed a case-control study to assess the association between N375S and gastric cancer risk in 1,681 gastric cancer cases and 1,858 cancer-free controls.Logistic regression analysis was applied to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios(ORs) and 95% confidence intervals(CIs) for the associations between genotypes and gastric cancer risk.We found that MET N375S variant genotypes(NS/SS) were associated with a significantly decreased risk of gastric cancer(OR = 0.78,95% CI = 0.63-0.96,P = 0.021) compared with the wildtype homozygote(NN).The finding indicates that this germline variant in MET may decrease gastric cancer susceptibility in Han Chinese. MET tyrosine kinase and its ligand, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), play a pivotal role in the activties of tumor cells. A germline missense variant in exon 2 of the MET gene, N375S (rs33917957 A> G), may alter the binding affinity of MET for HGF and thus modify the risk of tumorigenesis. In this study, we performed a case-control study to assess the association between N375S and gastric cancer risk in 1,681 gastric cancer cases and 1,858 cancer-free controls. Logistic regression analysis was applied to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the associations between genotypes and gastric cancer risk. We found that MET N375S variant genotypes (NS / SS) were associated with a significantly decreased risk of gastric cancer (OR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.63-0.96, P = 0.021) compared with the wildtype homozygote (NN). The finding indicates that this germline variant in MET may decrease gastric cancer susceptibility in Han Chinese.
回顾60年前抗美援朝战争这段历史,每当我们提到成功预测仁川登陆,提到中国人民志愿军入朝参战的内幕,提到志愿军入朝纪律,提到中苏朝之间的军事合作,以及开城和谈时,就不能不提及中国首任驻朝鲜大使倪志亮。    临危受命    1950年初,中南军事大学副校长兼武汉警备区副司令员倪志亮,接到来自中组部的一纸调令,要他到北京做外交工作。对此,他委实有些犯难:自己参加革命20年来一直是从事军事工作,担任军政
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