唉 这项艰难的事业 访上海文化艺术档案馆(筹)副主任

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即使不算那些因酝酿所耗费的时间,仅从1987年4月6日市编委正式批复同意筹建市文化艺术档案馆那天算起,时光也已逝去了近两年。然而,好事多磨。其实,用不着多问,无非一个“钱”字。如今的上海,百业待举,公交、住房、环保……大量与人民生活直接相关的事尚无钱去“举”,遑论其他。“是的,首先是资金困难。”我与该馆(筹)俞瑾云副主任的谈话刚开始,他便坦率地证实了这一点。据小俞介绍,未来的市文化艺术档案馆,将是一项非常富于想像力的建设。它不仅应当具有普通档案馆的功能,而且应当符合艺术生产规律,具有自己独特的功能。它必须适应艺术档案立体化的特点,能够举办陈列和展览;它将荟萃老一辈艺术家创造的精华,成为探寻上海文化艺术发展史的窗口;它还 Even if it is not for those who brewing time spent only from April 6, 1987 Municipal Editorial Board formally agreed to build the city’s cultural and art archives that day, the time has passed for nearly two years. However, good things and more grinding. In fact, there is no need to ask more than a “money” word. Nowadays, there is no money to lift a large number of things directly related to people’s lives in public transport, housing, environmental protection, everything else, public transport, housing, and environmental protection. “Yes, the first is the financial difficulty.” My conversation with Deputy Director Yu Jinyun at the museum just started, and he frankly confirmed this point. According to Xiaoyu introduction, the future city of arts and culture archives, will be a very imaginative building. It should not only have the function of ordinary archives, but also should conform to the law of art production, with its own unique features. It has to adapt to the three-dimensional characteristics of the art archives and can hold exhibitions and exhibitions; it will blend the essence created by the older generation of artists and become a window for exploring the history of Shanghai’s cultural arts.
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