In Shen’ao Town, Nan’ao County, eastern Guangdong Province, there is a Gurong known as Zheng Chenggong’s recruiting tree. It was planted in 1576 (four years of Ming Dynasty) of the town that was originally built. At the end of 1646, Zheng Chenggong was the first to recruit soldiers from the island of Nan’ao in eastern Guangdong Province. On several occasions, he inspected the soldier under this small leafy banyan tree and sent out the mighty call of the nation to become the starting point for the glorious life of this national hero. In the following 10 years, Zheng Chenggong made his debut on Nan’ao Island several times, deployed combat readiness, trained soldiers and horses, and practiced navy. Nan’ao became Zheng Chenggong’s farewell to eastern Guangdong and recovered Taiwan’s island of Taiwan