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在当前改革、开放的新形势下,广大档案工作者和档案学理论研究人员对档案管理体制如何适应我国改革开放的社会发展趋势和档案事业发展需要问题进行了深入、广泛地研究和探讨,仅机关档案工作体制改革方面,就提出了建立“文件中心”、“联合档案室”、“机关综合档案室”等经验和设想。尤其是建立机关综合档案室,集中统一管理本机关各门类档案的作法已在许多地区和单位推广和试行。全国各档案刊物亦不断有文章肯定和总结建立机关综合档案室的好处和优越性,简单归纳起来大概有以下几点:1.有利于机关档案机构的确立和专职档案人员的配备,能改变过去机关档案管理分散、兼职人员多、人员不稳定的局面。2.机关档案集中管理,档案数量多目标大,容易引起机关领导的重视,亦便于档案工作各项方针政策的贯彻执行。3.有利于档案存储空间和档案保护设备的充分利用,减少档案工作人员,从而降低档案的管理费用。4.有利于对各类档案的综合利用,克服部门信息闭关,不愿向社会甚至本机关其他部门利用的问题。然而,在地、县以下基层单位建立机关综合档案室,实行由综合档案室集中统一管理机 Under the current situation of reform and opening up, the majority of archivists and researchers in archival theory have conducted in-depth and extensive studies and discussions on how the archives management system should be adapted to the social development trend of China’s reform and opening up and the needs of the development of archives. As for the institutional reform of the archives system of the government agencies, we have put forward such experiences and ideas as establishing a “document center”, a “joint archives room” and a “comprehensive archives office”. In particular, the establishment of an integrated archives office and the centralized and unified management of various archives of this organ have been promoted and piloted in many regions and units. The archives throughout the country also have articles to affirm and summarize the advantages and advantages of the establishment of comprehensive archives of organs, which can be briefly summed up as follows: 1. The establishment of institutional archives and the provision of full-time archivists will be able to change the past Organizational records management scattered, part-time staff and personnel instability. 2. Centralized management of archives and archives, with a large number of archives and targets, are likely to attract the attention of authority leaders and facilitate the implementation of all the guidelines and policies of archival work. 3. Conducive to the full use of file storage space and file protection equipment, reduce the file staff, thereby reducing the file management costs. 4 is conducive to the comprehensive utilization of all kinds of files, to overcome the departmental information closed, unwilling to the community and even other departments to use the issue. However, in the grass-roots units below the county to establish agencies integrated archives, the implementation of centralized archives centralized management by the machine
白耀城Bái yào chéng(1936— )江苏南通人。1963年毕业于南京华东水利学院水文系陆地区文专业。历任广东省水利电力厅勘测设计院水能规划室、广东省水利电力科学研究所土