Gilded Silver Crown with Double-dragon Pattern

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaoyuyue2009
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Unearthed from a Liao tomb at Zhangjia Yingzi, Jianping County, Liaoning Province in 1956, this gilded silver crown with double-dragon pattern is 19 cm high and 20.9 cm in diameter. Its shape is suggestive of a mountain: higher in the middle and lower on both sides. On the front is a carving in the shape of a pearl surrounded by an S-shape pattern symbolizing good fortune. There is a lively dragon on either side. The complete design is based on the old theme “two dragons play with a pearl.” Traditions of the Qidan, an ancient nationality of northern China, are evident in the design of the crown. It is recorded in Unearthed from a Liao tomb at Zhangjia Yingzi, Jianping County, Liaoning Province in 1956, this gilded silver crown with double-dragon pattern is 19 cm high and 20.9 cm in diameter. Its shape is suggestive of a mountain: higher in the middle and lower On both front sides of the shape of a pearl surrounded by an S-shape pattern symbolizing good fortune. There is a lively dragon on either side. The complete design is based on the old theme “two dragons play with a pearl. ”Traditions of the Qidan, an ancient nationality of northern China, are evident in the design of the crown. It is recorded in
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