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我是一个热爱生活的人,我一直这么认为。即使我知道现实生活四处可见虚伪和丑恶,但我从来没有悲观或者绝望过。因为,就算现实再残酷,仍有无数值得我们珍惜并为之坚持的美好。正如电影《七宗罪》里那个老警察说的:这个世界“值得我们去奋斗”。这部具有浓重宗教色彩的惊悚电影像一部启示录,让我们陷入思考:我们究竟应该怎么去看待这个世界,要用什么样的态和方式去生活? I am a lover of life, I always think so. Even though I know that the real life can be seen everywhere hypocrisy and ugliness, but I have never been pessimistic or desperate. Because, even if the reality is cruel, there are countless values ​​that we cherish and stick to it. Just as the old policeman in the movie “The Seven Sins” said: This world is “worth our struggle.” This horrendous religious thriller movie is like an Apocalypse, which leaves us in deep thought: How should we look at this world and what kind of state and way to live?
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