,Measurement of Anomalous Radon Gas Emanation Across the Yammouneh Fault in Southern Lebanon:A Possi

来源 :International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:irolu
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The eastern Mediterranean region is an active tectonic setting that includes the Dead Sea Transform Fault, which forms the boundary between the African and the Arabian Plates and crosses Lebanon from south to north, striking in a restraining bend around 25–30°NE. The major structural feature in Lebanon is the Yammouneh Fault, which reaches to Syria and southern Turkey in a north–south direction. Measurements of radon gas concentration and exhalation rates in two locations along the southern segment of the Yammouneh Fault in south Lebanon were performed. Two profiles in the El-Khiam basin and Blat pull-apart basin and perpendicular to the Yammouneh Fault trace were analyzed. An approximate fault width 25–30 m wide was determined in the El-Khiam study area. Temporal increase of radon concentration was measured and correlated with stress/strain tectonic activity and stress drops along the studied fault segment boundary.Anomalous variable radon concentrations were detected during one of the measurements where an earthquake occurred in the region of Tiberias Lake in northern Palestine along the Yammouneh Fault in the study area. Measurements of radon concentration along a station’s profile in Blat village did not show any radon anomalous variation due to the discontinuity along the fault(pull-apart), and possible absence of stress and energy accumulation along the Yammouneh Fault line in that location. The eastern Mediterranean region is an active tectonic setting that includes the Dead Sea Transform Fault, which forms the boundary between the African and the Arabian Plates and crosses Lebanon from south to north, striking in a restraining bend around 25-30 ° NE. The major structural feature in Lebanon is the Yammouneh Fault, which reaches to Syria and southern Turkey in a north-south direction. Measurements of radon gas concentration and exhalation rates in two locations along the southern segment of the Yammouneh Fault in south Lebanon were performed. in the El-Khiam basin and Blat pull-apart basin and perpendicular to the Yammouneh Fault trace were analyzed. An approximate fault width 25-30 m wide was determined in the El-Khiam study area. Temporal increase of radon concentration was measured and correlated with stress / strain tectonic activity and stress drops along the studied fault segment boundary .Anomalous variable radon concentrations were detected during on e of the measurements where an earthquake occurred in the region of Tiberias Lake in northern Palestine along the Yammouneh Fault in the study area. Measurements of radon concentration along a station’s profile in Blat village did not show any radon anomalous variation due to the discontinuity along the fault (pull-apart), and possible absence of stress and energy accumulation along the Yammouneh Fault line in that location.
在中籼3037三体选育过程中,发现了一有芒变异株。细胞学调查结果显示,该有芒株为添加额外染色体的变异株。由于此额外染色体外观上小于常染色体、异染色质含量较高、在数目上也存在一定的不稳定性,且在减数分裂过程中从不与常染色体联会,故确定其为B染色体。本研究通过染色体显微技术及荧光原位杂交的分子细胞学手段,系统地研究了B染色体的结构组成、来源及其在减数分裂过程中的行为。主要结果如下: 1、以水稻端粒重复
Between members of a network, interorganizational resilience is favored by effective collaboration and coordination during a crisis. The quality of that collabo
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以清水及100mg/L、200mg/L、300mg/L乙烯利在花生初花期(5-6叶)进行叶面喷施,定期对植株生长状况、花生功能叶生理生化性状、气体交换特性和叶绿素荧光特性进行测定分析,并对叶片生长周期进行追踪观察记录,分析不同时期各处理花生叶片中一些与衰老相关的生理生化指标的变化,以了解乙烯利对花生产量性状、生理生化性状、光合特性及对花生叶片衰老的影响。试验结果表明: 1.200mg/L乙烯