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“太空辣椒”引种试验最近在安徽省铜陵县新建乡获得成功。“太空辣椒”是一项将常规辣椒种子由人造卫星或飞船送上300公里以上的高空 ,实施辐射处理 ,然后再带回地面播种、繁殖的高科技生物工程。经过去年冬天以来的大棚培植 ,首批“太空辣椒”已于5月上旬采摘 ,比当地常 The “Space Pepper” introduction test was recently successful in Xinxiang Township, Tongling County, Anhui Province. “Space Pepper” is a high-tech bioengineering project where conventional pepper seeds are delivered by artificial satellites or spacecraft over a height of 300 kilometers and subjected to radiation treatment and then brought back to the ground for sowing and breeding. After the cultivation of greenhouses since last winter, the first space peppers were harvested in early May and harder than the local ones
青研桃 1号是青岛市农科所从上海水蜜桃自然杂交实生苗中选出的早熟桃 ,具有果个大、着色好、汁糖丰富等突出特点 ,是一个较好的特大型早熟桃品种。1 生物学特性1 1 植物