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目的分析糖尿病肾病(D N)患者与非糖尿病肾病(N D N)患者在血液透析治疗期间并发症的差异,为临床工作提供参考。方法以吉林市北华大学附属医院血液透析科于2 0 1 4年1-1 2月期间收治的1 0 0例行血液透析治疗的患者作为观察对象,按照是否合并有糖尿病将其分为糖尿病肾病组(D N组)与非糖尿病肾病组(N D N组)各5 0例,两组患者给予相同的血液透析治疗,对比治疗期间两组患者的急性并发症与慢性并发症的发生情况。结果(1)治疗期间,D N组共发生低血压2 2例、低血糖1 6例、肌肉痉挛4例、失衡综合征7例、心跳骤停2例;N D N组发生低血压9例、低血糖6例,肌肉痉挛1例,失衡综合征1例;D N组均明显高于N D N组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.0 5);(2)D N组发生高血压4 1例、心血管病变2 6例、感染1 1例、肾性骨病1 0例、眼底出血1例;N D N组发生高血压3 0例、心血管病变2 1例、感染4例、肾性骨病3例、眼底出血1例;除眼底出血外,D N组的慢性并发症发生率均明显高于N D N组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.0 5)。结论 D N组患者在血液透析治疗期间的急、慢性并发症发生率均明显高于N D N组患者,因此要加强D N患者的并发症预防措施,降低并发症的发生率,提高治疗的安全性。 Objective To analyze the differences of complications during hemodialysis between patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) and non-diabetic nephropathy (N D N) and provide reference for clinical work. Methods One hundred and ten patients undergoing hemodialysis who underwent hemodialysis at Affiliated Hospital of Beihua University in Jilin Province between January and February 2014 were enrolled in this study. Patients were divided into diabetes according to whether they had diabetes mellitus or not Nephropathy group (DN group) and non-diabetic nephropathy group (NDN group) 50 cases, two groups were given the same hemodialysis treatment, the two groups were compared during treatment of acute complications and chronic complications. Results (1) In the DN group, there were 22 cases of hypotension, 16 cases of hypoglycemia, 4 cases of muscle spasm, 7 cases of imbalance syndrome and 2 cases of cardiac arrest in DN group. 9 cases of hypoxemia occurred in NDN group, 6 cases, muscle spasm in 1 case and unbalanced syndrome in 1 case. DN group were significantly higher than NDN group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05); (2) DN group 41 cases of hypertension, cardiovascular disease 26 cases, 11 cases of infection, 10 cases of renal osteodystrophy, 1 case of fundus hemorrhage; 30 cases of hypertension in NDN group, 21 cases of cardiovascular disease, 4 cases of infection, 3 cases of renal osteodystrophy, fundus Bleeding in 1 case; except for fundus hemorrhage, the incidence of chronic complications in DN group were significantly higher than NDN group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.0 5). Conclusion The incidence of acute and chronic complications during hemodialysis in patients in group D N are significantly higher than those in patients in group N D N. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention of complications in patients with D N, reduce the incidence of complications and improve the safety of treatment.
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