Rock-magnetic investigation of Siberia loess and its implication

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:metor2009
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Multiple-rock magnetic investigations conducted on the loess-paleosol sequences at Kurtak in Southwestern Siberia reveal that the mass-normalized low-field magnetic susceptibility profiles reflect changes in lithology between relatively unweathered primary loess of glacial periods and the interglacial paleosols. Maxima in susceptibility values correspond with the least-weathered loess horizons, and minima with the humic horizons of soils. Frequency-dependent susceptibility of the loess-paleosol sequences at Kurtak is very low and practically uniform, indicating the dominance of non-SP ferrimagnetic minerals and negligible pedogenesis. The history of temperature-dependence of susceptibility (IDS) and stepwise acquisition of the isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) have confirmed that magnetite is predominant magnetic mineral, and only few maghemite and probably hematite are present within the studied section. Anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) can be used to monitor tilt and disturbance Multiple-rock magnetic investigations conducted on the loess-paleosol sequences at Kurtak in Southwestern Siberia reveal that the mass-normalized low-field magnetic susceptibility profiles reflect changes in lithology between relatively unweathered primary loess of glacial periods and the interglacial paleosols. Maxima in susceptibility values correspond with the least-weathered loess horizons, and minima with the humic horizons of soils. Frequency-dependent susceptibility of the loess-paleosol sequences at Kurtak is very low and practically uniform, indicating the dominance of non-SP ferrimagnetic minerals and negligible pedogenesis. The history of temperature-dependence of susceptibility (IDS) and stepwise acquisition of the isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) have confirmed that magnetite is predominant magnetic mineral, and only few maghemite and probably hematite are present within the studied section. Anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) can be used to monitor til t and disturbance
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