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一那一年火把节,我和同伴们翻过几座青青的高山,越过几条潺湲的河流。穿着美丽的彝族盛装来到火把赛场——日都迪撒,蔚蓝的天空中飘着几朵白云,装扮在七月流火的氛围里。此时,火把广场传来一声羊角号吹响,火苗开启的圣日在举行。在火把赛场上,我扬起五彩的百褶裙,在舞池中展现最美的芳华于宽敞的火把赛场一角。而在另一角,你跃着脚步弹着动人的月琴,披着雄鹰翅膀般的披毡,飞翔在日都迪撒的田埂间。犹 During that year Torch Festival, my companions and I turned a few green mountains, across a few gurgling rivers. Wearing a beautiful Yi costume came to the torch stadium - Japan are Di, there are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, dressed in the July flow of fire atmosphere. At this moment, a horn of horns sounded at Torch Square, and the holy day of the opening of fire was held. In the torch field, I raised colorful pleated skirts, in the dance floor to show the most beautiful Fang in the spacious torch field corner. In the other corner, you are leaping in the footsteps of the moving Yueqin, dressed in eagle wings like Phlox, and flying in the fields of Tiamat. still
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【写作导航】我们在行路的时候,前面突然出现了一条河,要从河的这边走到河的那边,有什么办法呢?要么有一条船摆渡过去,要么架上一座桥,从桥上通过。 [Writing Guide] When w