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21世纪是智力竞赛的世纪,让儿童的智力得到最大限度发展的问题变得更加重要。目前,世界各国都致力于这方面的研究。中国科学院心理研究所刘静和教授等,根据儿童认知发展的特点,为提高儿童数学能力和智力进行了多年研究。依据他们在心理学理论方面所获得的成果和小学数学知识固有的特点,提出了以“1”为基础标准,揭示小学数学中部分与整体关系的思想,以该思想为指导,提出了改建现行的小学数学教材体系的意见,并编写了全套《现代小学数学》的教材。这套教材符合儿童的认知规律,并做到寓哲学——辩证思想于教材中,它不仅能使学生学到数学知识,而且能得到数学思想。 The 21st century is the century of quizzes, and the issue of maximizing children’s intelligence has become even more important. At present, all countries in the world are devoted to this research. Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Liu Jinghe, according to the characteristics of children’s cognitive development, to improve children’s mathematical ability and intelligence for many years. According to their achievements in psychology theory and the inherent characteristics of primary school mathematics knowledge, this paper puts forward the idea of ​​using “1” as the basic criterion to reveal the relationship between the part and the whole in primary school mathematics. Based on this thought, Primary school mathematics textbook system of opinion, and wrote a full set of “modern elementary mathematics” textbook. This set of textbooks is in line with the children’s cognitive rules, and to achieve the philosophical - dialectical thinking in the textbook, which not only enables students to learn math, but also to get mathematical thinking.
安全与防范问题是P2P技术应用所面临的一个重要问题。在对P2P网络进行概述的基础上,分析和讨论了目前P2P网络存在的安全与防范问题。 Security and prevention is an import
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Autoimmune pancreatitis(AIP)is a rare form of pan-creatitis characterized by prominent lymphocyte inf iltration and pancreatic f ibrosis resulting in organ dysf