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1苍白,只因那些湿润的元素逃离得过远。虚无而苍凉的心态,比起容颜的失真,则更为可怕。凉风秋意,想躲避一阵微风和迎面飘逸而来的那些秋的灵魂、凋零的落叶,还有心景中的那些失意。风扫落叶。秋,也是无情的。树木把自身的东西都舍得割弃,那世间还有什么可期待的呢?是否,秋在邂逅新季前的那些无奈,才使我们带有一些失落?其实,在这世上,什么都可以躲避和省略,除了自己的心绪。悲欢离合的情感,都来自于内心。要是能解脱自身,远离苍白,灵魂的七彩就会展现,心的颂歌就会嘹响。2童谣的岁月,随天象的转瞬,已隐匿而 1 pale, just because those wet elements fled far. Nothingness and desolation mentality, compared to the appearance of distortion, even more terrible. Breeze autumn, want to avoid a breeze and the face of those elegant autumn, the deciduous leaves, as well as those frustrated hearts. Sweep the leaves. Autumn, is also ruthless. If the trees are willing to give up their own things, what else can be expected in that world? Is it possible for the autumn to have some frustration in the new pre-season? In fact, nothing can be avoided in this world And omitted, in addition to their own mood. Joys and sorrows of emotion, all from the heart. If you can free yourself, away from the pale, the colorful soul will show, the heart of the oracles will ring. 2 nursery rhyme years, with the twinkling of an eye, has been hiding
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