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金秋时节,中央工艺美术学院与日本国东京艺术大学两校师生作品联展,经过近一年时间的筹备终于顺利开幕了。93年10月6日上午10时在中央工艺美术学院展厅举行了隆重的开幕仪式,日中友好协会会长、东京艺术大学校长、中央工艺美术学院名誉教授、著名画家平山郁夫先生,东京艺大美术学部长澄川喜一教授等七人作为东京艺术大学的代表参加了开幕式。自1989年4月5日两校间缔结友好院校的协定以来,各种形式的学术交流活动日趋兴旺活跃。为纪念和庆祝中日两国邦交正常化20周年,为促进两校间学术交流更加深入地开展,平山郁夫先生与常沙娜院长商定举办这个联合展览。类似这样的联展对于日本的东京艺术大学、中国的中央工艺美术学院来说都还是第一次。联展将分别在中国北京(1993年10月)和日本国广岛(1994年10月)两地展出,两校师生参展作品共210件(套)。这次展出中央工艺美术学院师生作品150件(套),东京艺术大学师生作品60件(套);明年在日本广岛展出时,东京艺术大学师生作品150件(套),中央工艺美术学院师生送展作品60件(套)。 Autumn season, the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts and Japan’s Tokyo University of the Arts two teachers and students works exhibition, after nearly a year of preparation finally opened. On October 6, 1993, at 10 a.m., a grand opening ceremony was held in the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts. The chairman of the Japan-China Friendship Association, the president of the Tokyo University of the Arts, honorary professor of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, the famous painter Mr. Hirayama, Seven ministers of fine arts, such as Professor Cheng Chuan-ki, attended the opening ceremony as representatives of the Tokyo University of the Arts. Since the agreement on the establishment of friendly institutions between the two universities on April 5, 1989, various forms of academic exchange activities have become increasingly prosperous and active. In commemoration and celebration of the 20th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, and in order to promote more profound academic exchanges between the two universities, Mr. Yasuharu Hiyama agreed to hold this joint exhibition with Dean Chang Shana. Such a joint exhibition is the first time for Japan’s Tokyo University of the Arts and China’s Central Academy of Arts and Crafts. The exhibition will be on display in Beijing, China (October 1993) and Hiroshima, Japan (October 1994) respectively. A total of 210 works (sets) of teachers and students from both schools will be exhibited. This time, 150 works (sets) of teachers and students of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts and 60 pieces of teachers and students of the Tokyo University of the Arts will be exhibited. When the works are exhibited in Hiroshima, Japan next year, there will be 150 pieces of works of teachers and students of Tokyo University of the Arts, Arts and Crafts Institute teachers and students to send works 60 (sets).
目的:对斑秃患者的生活质量进行评价并探讨斑秃中医证型的分布情况。 方法:用皮肤病生活质量指数(dermatology life quality index,DLQI)和非特异性生活质量量表(the shor
如今,很多保健减肥产品宣传“宿便有害论”。  所谓的“排毒清宿便”产品其实就是人为制造腹泻,通过化学刺激促进结肠蠕动,从而引起排便。这种做法会造成肠道功能紊乱,还可能损伤肠黏膜,导致结肠病变,甚至诱发癌变。  通便类保健品的理论根基是“宿便有害论”。然而,真如其言吗?其实,这些保健品要么“傍”西医,称“长期滞积于肠道内的食物残渣最多重达6.5公斤,在细菌的作用下干结、腐败、发酵,不断产生各种毒气、
过去,我总认为凡与汽车沾边的事故都称为交通事故,以致把本不是交通事故的事故统计或者解释为交通事故,这是不正确的。 那么,什么是交通事故?又如何理解它呢?明确交通和交通