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从 2 0世纪 90年代起 ,笔者在探讨“中国古代文学理论体系”的过程中 ,深感中国古代文学理论体系的核心就是以人为本原 ,从而拈出了“原人”两字来概括中国古代文论体系的基本品格和核心精神 ,出版了《原人论》一书 (复旦大学出版社 2 0 0 0年 5月出版 )。在中国古代思想文化史上 ,一般认为唯有“道”字才可称为中国哲学的最高范畴 ,最具统摄意义。在文学批评史方面 ,“原道”思想早在荀子、扬雄的著作中已经略见端倪 ,后经《文心雕龙》开宗明义第一篇《原道》加以阐发和强调之后 ,历代文论家大都将此奉为圭臬 ,影响了文坛千余年。然而 ,“道”究竟是什么 ?历来众说纷纭 ,“各道其所道”。因此 ,关于文学本原的问题并没有加以集中和解决。笔者在《原人论》中指出 ,各家之道尽管有这样那样的差异 ,但都离不开“人”,可谓条条“道”路最终都通向了“人”。中国文论中的“原道” ,归根到底就是“原人” ,它体现在心化、生命化、实用化三个层面上。所谓心化 ,是缘于人之所以为人 ,最根本的特点就是有“心” ,有意识 ,有思维 ,有欲求 ,有情感 ,有一颗无比复杂的头脑和无限丰富的精神活动。人在对外界事物的接触、体验、认识和再创造的过程中 ,往往把天下之物心化 ,即把客观的世界和主体的精神相融合 ,从而以? From the 1990s onward, in the course of discussing “the theoretical system of ancient Chinese literature,” the author deeply felt that the core of the theoretical system of ancient Chinese literature was to regard people as the origin and thus draw out the word “native” to summarize ancient Chinese literature On the basic character and core spirit of the system, the book The Theory of the Original People was published (Fudan University Press, May 2000). In the history of ancient Chinese thought and culture, it is generally believed that only the word “Tao” can be regarded as the highest category of Chinese philosophy and the most dominant meaning. In the history of literary criticism, the thought of “the original Tao” has been clues as early as in Xunzi and Yang Xiong’s writings. After the first “original Taoist” Most of the family regarded this as a standard, affecting literary more than a thousand years. However, what exactly is “Tao”? Therefore, the issues concerning the origin of literature have not been concentrated and resolved. The author points out in The Theory of the Original People that although there are such differences in the way of various families, they all can not do without the “people”. The “original Tao” in Chinese literary theory is, in the final analysis, “primitive people”. It manifests itself in the three levels of being centered, living and practical. The so-called heart, is due to the reason why people, the most fundamental feature is the “heart”, conscious, thinking, desires, emotions, an incomparably complicated mind and unlimited spiritual activities. People in the process of contact, experience, understanding and re-creation of external things tend to center the things in the world, that is, the objective world and the spirit of the main body to merge, so as to?
在一个夕阳如血的黄昏 ,一个商人见一穷人在河边钓鱼 ,便上前问道 :“你为什么不想法多钓一些鱼 ,而总是只钓那么几条呢 ?”“多钓些鱼有什么用 ,够自己一家人吃就行。”穷人
20 0 4年 5月 15日— 19日 ,中国唐宋诗词第三届国际学术研讨会及世界华人咏华山活动在华山与西安两地举行。来自中国大陆、港、澳、台地区及美国、日本、新加坡的一百三十多
医院档案是医疗卫生事业单位活动的真实记录, 是医院最为宝贵的财富之一,它既是过去历史的真实记载,又是开创未来的起点。因此,搞好医院档案管理,对医院开展各项工作,为医院的发展