
来源 :中等林业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwu521
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首先明确素质教育的涵义。素质教育就是以人类自身的身心素质为对象,着眼于全面提高学生的基本素质的现代基础教育。它是以适应社会发展需要,促成人的社会化、现代化为宗旨,以正在成长中的学生为主体。以全面提高素质、发展健康个性为核心,以社会主义文化的传播和创造为手段,使学生素质得到最大限度的开发与培养的现代教育。其基本点有三:一是面向全体学生,而不是面向少数学生;二是要促进学生全面发展,而不是单纯应付考试;三是要培养学生的自主学习能力,而不是让学生被动地、机械地接受知 First of all, we should clarify the meaning of quality education. Quality education is based on human being’s own physical and mental qualities, focusing on modern basic education to improve students’ basic qualities in an all-round way. It is aimed at adapting to the needs of social development and promoting the socialization and modernization of adults. It is based on the growing students. With the overall improvement of quality and the development of healthy individuality as the core, and with the means of dissemination and creation of socialist culture, modern education that maximizes the quality of students’ development and cultivation will be achieved. There are three basic points: First, it is for all students, not for a small number of students; Second, it is necessary to promote students’ all-round development, rather than simply dealing with examinations; Third, it is necessary to cultivate students’ self-learning ability, rather than allowing students to passively and mechanically. Receive knowledge
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