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森林植物检疫工作是防止危害性病、虫传播蔓延,保障林木健康生长的重要措施,也是向病虫作斗争的一个根本方法。解放以来,我省各地虽然开展了森林病虫害防治工作、取得了一定成绩,但是许多为害林木的危害性病虫,多年来没有引起人们的重视,却随着种子、苗木、插条、接穗等材料的调运,传播到其他地区,造成了不小的损失。如省外,河南郑州市和辽宁盖平县原来没有扬树透翅蛾,是一九五九年以前由东北调运扬树苗时带入的,现已广泛蔓延,酿成災害。松干 Forest phytosanitary work is an important measure to prevent the spread of dangerous venereal diseases and insect pests and to ensure the healthy growth of trees. It is also a fundamental method to combat pests and diseases. Since the liberation, although the prevention and control of forest pests and diseases has been carried out throughout our province, some achievements have been made. However, many harmful pests that damage trees have not drawn the attention of people for many years. However, with the help of seeds, seedlings, cuttings, scions and other materials The transfer, spread to other areas, resulting in no small loss. Such as the province, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and Liaoning Province, Geping had no poplar moths, was brought before the start of 1959 from the northeast of the introduction of young saplings, has now been widely spread and lead to disasters. Song dry
Electronic microprobe analysis showed that all QN samples are mainly composed of tremolite and minor accessory minerals, such as diopside, calcite, serpentinite
目的 :观察大鼠饮用黄芪水煎剂对高脂饲料性肥胖的影响 ,并初步探讨其作用机理。方法 :SD大鼠 ,随机分为 3组 :(1)正常对照组 ,(2 )高脂组 ,(3)黄芪组。每周定时称体重一次 ,
Vibratory synchronization transmission (VST) is a kind of special physical phenomenon ininertia vibration mechanical systems. For an inertia vibration mechanca